He was getting rather forgetful in his old age. Maybe it was all the long days and little hours of sleep... He'd spend hours working on little projects in the basment and then forget to ever go back and finish what he'd started. Margaret never would have let him get away with that but she was no longer there. Oh, How much he did miss her. Maybe that's why he was so forgetful? Perhaps she was the missing piece that kept him from being whole and when he wasn't whole, then he simply wasn't himself. He hadn't been himself for awhile.
But then Charlie, his wife's favorite Tabby cat, jumped up on the desk and reminded him of what he had forgotten. Maybe Charlie was the key to curing all this memory loss...
But then Charlie, his wife's favorite Tabby cat, jumped up on the desk and reminded him of what he had forgotten. Maybe Charlie was the key to curing all this memory loss...
My vote goes here... or maybe here?