1. There are 7 consecutive matches scheduled in a regular league season.
    1. All players are placed in one of two divisions. 
    2. During the regular season, players only compete against players in their own division, but they vote on ALL matches taking place in the division they are NOT in. 
    3. A player may never vote in a match within the player's own division.
  2. Every player is required to do the following tasks each week of regular play:
    1. Post a valid story within the scheduled time frame.
    2. Vote on all other matches that occur outside of the player's division.
  3. All stories submitted must fall under the following guidelines:
    1.  Must not exceed 500 words.
    2. No story may be used twice in the league, although stories are not required to be new (players are welcomed to use old manuscripts from their personal stock).
    3. All stories must be written by the player.
    4. No story may include any visualizations (no pics, drawings, gifs, etc)
  4. At the end of every match, a winner and a loser is assigned based on votes.
    1. All players who are not in the division of the match are REQUIRED to vote on a winner:
      1. Voting is done by posting a comment in the post of the winner's story.
  5. At the end of the regular season, there will be three weeks of playoffs.
    1. Players will be ranked at the end of the regular season.
    2. Players ranked in first place get a bye-week. 
    3. Players ranked in the 2nd and 3rd slots face each other in the first week of playoffs (week nine). The winner faces the first rank player. The winner of that match goes to the WLB.
    4. Voting continues as normal for the first two weeks of playoffs (each division votes for the matches in the other division). However, for the WLB, every player (besides the ones competing) votes for the Champion.
    5. Also on the Final Week, nominations and votes will be made for BEST STORY EVER.
      1. Every player is expected to nominate their own, previously posted story.
        1. Nominations are made by simply labeling your story "BEST STORY EVER."
        2. Everyone is expected to vote for best story ever. 
  6. Each match goes from Wednesday-Sunday
    1. A new match starts every Tuesday night, midnight (pacific standard time). A player may post their story for the week at any point until midnight of Sunday.
    2. Once a story is posted, eligible voters may vote for it. Voting continues after the end of the week until Tuesday at 11:59pm, wherein all votes will be tallied.
    3. New Ranks will be posted every Wednesday.
  7. Penalties:
    1. If a player does not post a story in the scheduled time, that player forfeits the match.
    2. If a player fails to vote for every match in the opposing division, a LOSS will be added to that players record. If the player won their personal match that week, added to their record will be both a win and a loss. If they lost their personal match, they will be punished with two losses to their record for that week.
    3. If a player votes in a match within their own division, that vote is automatically withdrawn.
  8. Tie-Breakers:
    1. If a match ends with both players receiving the same amount of votes, then the match will be decided by whichever story gets more likes by the end of the NEXT week. Anyone can like a story -- it doesn't have to be a fellow player of the league. You can get your friends to like it, your enemies, anyone.
    2. If a tie takes place on the last match of the scheduled season, then the players get ONE DAY to accumulate as many likes as possible. 
    3. If both teams end up with the same amount of likes by the end of the tie-break period, then both players will receive a LOSS on their record for that week. This is to motivate people to go out and break those ties or suffer the consequence of a LOSS. 

  • log onto the blog using your blogger account name.
  • write your story.
  • label your story by your name. Labeling is found on the right hand side of the screen. Be sure to use the same spelling of your name everytime. 

  • On the main page of the blog, on the right side of the screen, are the tabs linking to all the players' stories by name.
  • Find the players that are not in your league. 
  • Use the Schedule page to find who is competing against who for the particular week.
  • Vote by commenting in the post of the story you are voting for. 

In this league, votes are for the BEST STORY of the two presented. This definition is left vague on purpose. It may be that you want to vote for the more funny of the two stories; that may be how you define BEST. It may be that you define BEST by the one that is more stylistically advanced. It may be that you only have internet on Thursday, and there's only one of the two stories posted, in which case, you should vote for the story that is posted. Ideally, every vote goes to the story that the voter truly believes is holistically the better of the two stories, but this of course cannot be sufficiently governed, so the vote system shall remain vague and up to personal taste.